Forest Friday, April 12th

"I hope to see a fox [and an] egg." - Cheerful Chipmunk
"I hope to play tag." - Expert Eastern Box Turtle
"I hope to find an egg." - Moose

Our walk up was less slippery than last week but also very wet.  "Wetzel Falls" was had a lot of water flowing.  When we got to our sit spots we were able to stay put more easily because much of the gray ice had disappeared.

Before play time we took some time to clean up the forest space.  We put big sticks into our scrap pile.  Many of us worked as a team to pick up the big ones!

For snack we had boiled some eggs in the classroom.  When we got outside we dyed the eggs.  We got to choose which color we wanted our eggs to be.  The options were purple, yellow, green, blue, and orange.

We all tried them and most of us loved them!  With a little bit of salt they made for a delicious, filling snack.

On our way back inside we had an egg hunt around the forest.  We could find as many as five.  Once inside we found that there were pennies in the eggs.  We counted them up and traded five pennies for a nickel.  We shared our earnings with one another to have the same amount and then got to go to a pretend store to "buy" a fun little trinket.
