Moving Through March

Here's a glance at what we've been up to in March!

Some mornings we begin our day with Math Menu!  Our most recent round of activities have included completing patterns, making puzzles, writing numbers, and making combinations to five.  Math Menu is such a highlight in our day!
We took on a big project at the end of winter.  Since we had drawn self portraits at the beginning of the school year, we revisited the project and drew ourselves again!  It is amazing to see the details in each drawing.  They are amazing!

We did another major project to brighten up the hallway after we went to a play at the Lebanon Opera House.  We watched "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and we wanted to make a bulletin board about "The Very Hungry Kindergartners"!  We imagined what we would eat if we were very hungry caterpillars.  Some would eat grilled cheese, grapes, and ice cream.
We write a lot in Kindergarten about a variety of things.  Sometimes we write about our weekends and other times we read a book and then write about it!

On Wednesdays we sometimes have "The Lunch Bunch".  A few of us get to have a fancy dining experience in the classroom.  We get to chat and practice polite lunching.
Once a week we have a Second Step lesson.  Mrs. Beland sometimes comes in to teach us and this picture shows her reading a book about some social skills that we are working on.  Lately we have been learning about how to recognize the feelings we feel in our bodies and how to express how we're feeling to others.  We also are learning about how to share and take turns.

During our regular math time we have been focusing on shapes.  We are observing, sorting, and recreating them in various ways (like with Popsicle sticks!).  It has been a fun time!
In math we are also working on making simple equations as well as counting forward and backwards to 20.

During the afternoon we have been doing art projects based on our science and social studies learning.  Our most recent project included a snowy scene with a maple tree and a sugar house.  We loved drawing and painting and it was fun to later go into the forest and actually tap maple trees!

We have been so happy to be back in the forest.  Some fun activities have included snowshoeing, cooking, hiking, and also tapping maple trees!  The snow is melting and spring has arrived so we are expecting to see some amazing changes in the woods over the next few months.
