Wednesday in the Woods, March 23rd

The day that...
we ate squash.

On the way out to our forest classroom we heard birds.  We stopped and got very quiet.  We looked for them and we saw them.  There was a group of birds perched on three trees.

White footed deer mouse picked up a stick and hung his lunch on it.  A bunch of other kids thought that was a good idea and decided to do it too. We went outside today in two groups.  The first group got to take some extra time.  The next group was running to catch up with them.

This is snack time.  Jumping mouse was asking white footed deer mouse if he could put a stick over his lap.  White footed deer mouse said yes.  We had three snacks today!  The first one was donuts.  We had those inside.  We had chocolate chip banana bread.  Later we had squash.  Everybody tried it! Red Squirrel, Eastern Box Turtle and Eastern Newt did not like it. Beaver, White Footed Deer Mouse and Wood Turtle didn't think they would like it.  They only tasted a teeny tiny bit.  They did like it!  They asked for more. Some words we use to describe the taste are: good, smooshy, bad, great, sweet, yummy,  Newt said it tasted like pumpkin.  It looked like pumpkin too.  The seeds looked like pumpkin seeds.  We are drying out the seeds.  We will plant them next week.

After snack the class had playtime and played with tree cookies. These students were climbing up a dead tree and it was still up because it was sturdy on the cliff.  Red squirrel and Box turtle climbed so far to try to reach the top.  Then they slipped and they jumped. 

Three students went on an excursion with Miss Wetzel.  We found a mouse that had been swallowed by an owl!  We saw white and we were sure that it was mouse bones.  We could see the bones poking out.

We had a sight word Easter egg hunt.

We found Easter eggs and opened them.  Inside were sight words.  There were 12.  We put the letters on the outside of the eggs together to match the capital and lower case letters.

In Mrs. T's station we talked about buds.  We labeled them and took photographs.  We will check them again next week to see if they have changed.  We compared the buds to see how they were alike and different.

Our thermometer said 50 degrees.  We think it may have been broken.  It felt colder than that!
