Wednesday in the Woods, February 3rd

The day that...
we baked and ate monkey bread.

We did stations in the morning. In one station we made some monkey bread inside. When we made the monkey bread, we were cutting the dough into little halves so that they could be baked. We put the dough in a bag filled with cinnamon and shook it up! When we ate it at snack, some of us liked it and some of us didn't.

In another station we were making binoculars out of toilet paper rolls, tape, and corks. When we were making the binoculars we were staying focused.

When we went outside, we did not go to our normal spot. We went exploring! We looked with our binoculars and found some footprints and deer scat. Scat means the same thing as poop from animals. On the trail we found orange flags which means that there was poison ivy. We didn't have to worry about that today though because it was covered with snow.

We played in the stream. We were splashing in the water and some of our binoculars got wet! There were some places where the ice was not thick. When we stepped there, the ice broke and we fell through. Some of the water was a little deep. It was so deep in one spot that it was almost above Beaver's boot. Raccoon and Jumping Mouse went fishing. 

It was raining a lot today so we went inside early.

In one of our stations inside, we were making neck warmers with Mrs. T. We had fabric and we measured it so that we could fold them and eventually sew them. Mrs. T will do that for us because a lot of us do not know how. We are making these so that we can wear them on really cold days.

In another station we were making fire starters. There was wood and lint that we put inside of egg containers. We poured some hot liquid wax on top. These will help our fires start especially if we have wet wood. We get to take some of these home!

In our last station we were making animals with pencils. We made a mouse, snake, and birds. Dr. C. showed us how. We drew these pictures because we like to draw pictures of animals in the forest. 

Written by: Beaver, Box Turtle, Woodpecker, and Chipmunk.
