Wednesday in the Woods, October 7th

The Day That We Made the Map

It was cold so we needed to wear a jacket outside into the forest to find some stuff.  We found different things in different colors and different things that we noticed.

We were cutting up the apples so that we could have some snack and we were cutting up the cheese so we could have some cheese too.  We learned how to use the knives safely. We went to the apple orchard last Friday and we picked the apples.  When we were at the apple orchard we saw a guy make apple cider.

While some kids made snack, other kids played.  Red squirrel was climbing up all sorts of paths.  Newt, Blue Jay, American Robin, White Footed Deer Mouse, and Northern Shrike played mom and dad.  Jumping mouse says we played in a pile of sticks with a back door and a front door and a top door.

After we had snack, we did some work.  We found colors.  We found a lot of green.  One group was finding a lot of red leaves and we were seeing what color we had the most of.  We had baskets that we put the colors in.  We all put the colors in groups. We put green, brown, yellow, red, and orange in groups.  We couldn't find much blue because there is not much blue in the forest.  We found some weird colors out there.  Sometimes it was hard to agree on exactly what color it was. 

[A memorable quote: "I found an Ottauquechee, American mushroom!"]

In our other station we found our sit spots and we made a map.  We wrote down where our special spot was and we wrote our names and our forest animal names. We had to draw our sit spots on the map so we could find them easily. When we go to sit spots it is a time to be quiet. Sit spots are a time to be by yourself.  We go to sit spots every time we go up in the woods. 

At lunch time we read a book about quiet spots.


After lunch we made pictures of our sit spots. The pictures were of what were were sitting next to.  Box turtle drew what she saw next to her.  White footed Deer Mouse drew what he calls the lion's dungeon.  Red squirrel wrote about the leaves in the tree and made a picture of an owl in the tree above his sit spot.  Beaver's sit spot has a bunch of sticks that beavers could eat.  She also drew a little beaver hive.  Blue Jay drew clouds, a sun, himself, grass and his hide out.  Blue Jay's hideout is far away from the others.  
When we were sitting down in our sit spots we gather together when we hear the owl sound.

The temperature today was 50 degrees.  We found 1 and a half inches of water in the rain gauge.  We had a good day.
