Wednesday in the Woods, September 23rd

We spent our second day of "Wednesday in the Woods" enjoying the first official day of fall!

As we walked to our home base at the top of the hill, we gathered special objects that we would use to conduct an experiment. 

Some objects that students chose: leaves, sticks, pine cones, and rocks. Students made a prediction. Would their object sink or float? Many were surprised by the results.

In addition to science, students explored their surroundings and learned certain bird calls that we will use for directions, like when we need to come together and meet.
Some students looked at forts that had been built.
Others decided to make their own forts with materials that they found around the forest.
Still more worked at climbing a steep rock with the help of friends.

Once we were back in the classroom, we took another look at the materials that we had collected outside. In our forest journals, we drew a picture and recorded the results of the experiment that we had done at the beginning of the day.
