Forest Friday, October 4th

The day that the weather changed every five minutes!
(Sunny to cloudy to rainy and back again...)

"I hope to see a bear."
"I hope to see a chipmunk."

We started our morning with journal time. We focused on what we were hoping to see in the forest. Miss Wetzel helped us stretch out the word and say it slowly so that we could hear any sounds to write.

Our sit spot time was nice and we were able to notice a lot of changes around us since we were last in the forest. Some of us felt wet leaves and some of us saw colorful leaves.

During play time we did a lot of creative things. Some of us made a kitchen to serve dogs. Others teeter-tottered on a see saw. Some built structures with sticks or cleared paths with shovels.

For snack we had carrot ginger soup that was warmed up over the fire. It was so yummy on a chilly morning. We all tried it even if we didn't think we were going to like it.

We looked up at the trees but we also looked down on the ground and saw many colorful leaves. We collected a few to see how many colors we could find. 
Since it had rained a lot this week we got to wear rain paints. They helped us stay dry and happy in the forest.
