Final Forest Friday, May 31st

We started our day with our Kindergarten play.  We performed The Very Hungry Caterpillar for parents and family members and then had a wonderful potluck breakfast in the classroom.

We played a lot in the forest today.  Some of us were 'hanging out' while others were running and building.

Our special snack for the last day in the forest was smores!  The marshmallows were huge and we had so much fun toasting them and getting messy.  Some of us burned our marshmallows and had to blow them out quick.

We loved sitting around the fire for one last lunch in the forest as a whole group.  We got to play for a bit after that.

Before we went inside we used our muscles to take down the sticks surrounding our outdoor classroom.  Next year's kindergartners will build a new one and learn how to take care of the forest space.
