Forest Friday, September 21st

The day that...
it rained!

"I hope to see the stream."
Illustrated by: Beaver
"I hope to climb the rock."
Illustrated by: Eastern Chipmunk
"I hope to play."
Illustrated by: Meadow Vole
"I hope to see the rock again."
Illustrated by: Eastern Box Turtle

Each morning before we head outside we draw a picture of what we hope to see or do in the forest.  Miss Wetzel wrote the words for us this week, but soon we hope to write our own words.

Once the rain slowed down a bit we were able to make our way outside wearing our amazingly handy rain pants!  We are happy to each borrow our own pair for the year so that we can stay dry.  Our first stop was at the school garden.  We gathered some pieces of corn that we would be eating for snack. 

When we got up the hill we found our forest animals waiting for us in our sit spots so that we would remember where to sit.  When we met for our circle share some of us volunteered to share what we noticed with one of our five senses.  Some of us heard birds, saw sticks or other natural materials, and felt the wet ground.

During play time we explored more of our forest.  We did a lot of building.  Some of us were playing on split rock, making a fort and protecting it while others worked as a team to build a fairy house.

For snack Mr. Sadowski roasted corn from the garden over the fire.  We all loved it!  Eastern Box Turtle thought he could eat it for the rest of his life.  Next week we are hoping to start our Learning Centers in the forest.

It was 59 degrees and a little damp in the forest but we made the most of it!
