Forest Friday, December 15th

Since it was so cold we couldn't get outside right away.  We had to wait for it to get to ten degrees.  There were three thermometers that we used to check the temperature throughout the morning.  

In the morning we followed our normal schedule for the most part.  We had our Morning Meeting and Number Corner/calendar time and then we had a brain break! 

We also had a warm snack while we were inside.  The soup was so warm and delicious that we ate it all up.  It was cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup!  We had crackers and bread to dip in our soup.

Before lunch we learned how to put snowshoes on.  Since it had snowed so much we figured it would be easiest to have snowshoes to adventure into the woods.  After lunch we put our snowshoes on and made our way up to our home base! 

The forest had changed so much since we were last there.  We could barely see the fire pit and we had to brush off several inches of snow from the benches.  We were able to explore the area in our snowshoes for a bit before heading inside for P.E.

Some of us shared our thoughts about snowshoes!
"Snowshoes are fun and slippy. Mine fell off!" -Mannered Meadow Vole
"I like snowshoes.  They are fun to play in.  I have some at my house." -Relaxed Red Fox 
