Forest Friday, September 15th

Here are some photos of our morning journals! Everyone is working to add many details to their illustrations.  They also used realistic and careful coloring.  Students helped an adult with their sentence by listening for the letters in words that we have learned this week (t, b, and f).

We found more creatures today.  Worms, salamanders, and frogs oh my! Many students were exploring the woods to find these creatures during their play time today.

We were lucky enough to have corn for snack.  We cooked it over the fire and added some butter and salt.  Everybody tried it and liked it!

Students tried outdoor learning stations for the first time today.  In Mr. Sadowski's station students made collections of treasures in the forest including rock crystals and colorful leaves.  In Miss Robinson's station students listened for sounds in the forest and then tried to copy and recreate those sounds.  In Miss Wetzel's station students created their forest names that they will have for the rest of the school year.

We also read a little more about corn.  From popcorn to corn on the cob we have had such delicious snacks so far!  

Here are some favorites from the forest today:
“I liked when I was up on the rock in my sit spot. I saw a butterfly and a salamandar.” ~Magnificent Moose
“I liked playing with the teachers.” ~Mannered Meadow Vole
“I love trees that grow very high to the sky.” ~Relaxed Red Fox
“I like hiking up the hill.” ~Energetic Eastern Newt
“I loved the corn.” ~Bubbly Bobcat

We are looking forward to another fantastic day in the forest next Friday.
