The day that...
we made pancakes and a bowling alley.
Balanced Blue Jay wrote I hope to see frog eggs. Her words match her picture. She left spaces between her words.
Nice Northern Shrike wrote: "I hope to see a fox." His words match his picture. He left spaces between his words. He challenged himself to carefully use lower case letters. He put a period at the end of his sentence.
Nice Northern Shrike and Decisive Deer are holding a stick so they can work together to carry our water and their lunches. They wanted to work together because the water was heavy.
We found tracks. Almost all of us thought it was a raccoon. We think the raccoon got into our birdseed.
The ball is rolling down the track. Some of us are watching the ball. This is our bowling alley!
Selfless Snowy Owl was shaking the jar. Bubbly Black Bear and the other students had a turn to shake it too. We were making pancakes. Mrs. T helped us with the pancakes - we were not making the pancakes alone.
Mrs. T is pouring the batter on the griddle. We all had firsts and seconds and some of us had thirds fourths and even fifths. They were delicious. Some of us didn't use our maple syrup. We tapped some trees and got sap a couple of weeks ago. We put it over the fire to make it into maple syrup. Today we put that syrup on our pancakes.
If you were not wearing mittens it probably felt like it was 0 degrees. It was really 40 degrees. We had an amazing day. The pancakes were delicious.
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