Tuesday Among the Trees, February 28th

The day that...
Responsible Red Fox slipped on ice.

The first thing we did today was work on our forest plans.
This is Engaged Eastern Redback Salamander's work. It says "I hope to see scratches on a tree". We can read what he wrote because he left spaces between his words.  He listened and heard lots of the sounds that the letters make.  His words match his picture. On the picture it looks like the sky is in the distance. 

This says "I hope to see a hedgehog in his den." The writer left spaces between her words.  The words match the picture.  The writer remembered to put a period at the end of her sentence and she challenged herself to use lower case letters. This is Balanced Blue Jay's work. 

Next we headed into the forest.  We found a stream.  Wise Woodpecker is feeling the water as it flows over the rocks. 

After sit spots and morning meeting, we had time to explore the forest and play. We found a stream down the hills.  Snowshoe Hare is washing rocks in the stream.  Responsible Red Fox was playing in with the stream to find rocks. Brave Barred Owl was looking for rocks too.  She was also making a soup with leaves and snow. This stream was not there last time we were in the forest.  Maybe it came the same way the brook started. Maybe all the rain we had last week made a stream. 

Brilliant Box Turtle found a hole.
We are feeding the birds. 
This is a picture of a stick frozen on a box. We thought it was cool because the ice was blocking the water from coming out. It is also cool because these bubbles were trapped under the ice. 

In Miss Wetzel's station we were trying to find stuff that started with a letter.  In this picture we were holding up leaves.  Leaf starts with L.
Rock starts with R. 

In our other station we were pretending the blanket was snow.  We had to figure out how may children were under the blanket.  There were 5 children all together.  Mrs. T would ask some of us to go under the blanket and then the guesser would guess how many were hiding to make 5. 

We ate lunch in the forest today.  It was the first time in a long time that it was warm enough to stay out for lunch.  It was 40 degrees when we came outside. It was 50 degrees when we came inside. 

It was fun at the end of the day because we got to play again after lunch.  By the benches there was a lot of ice.  Maybe Mrs. T can bring up some sand so it is not so slippery next week.
