Wednesday in the Woods, March 30th

The day that...
we found all the things that were different.

We were in the amphitheater.  Mrs. T counted to ten and we had to find an object. We closed our eyes and Mrs. T put a scarf over the objects and made one disappear.  We had to try to guess which object was missing.

Wood Turtle and Blue Jay were building a pirate ship.  We had to use a lot of sticks and we had to make sure the rectangle shaped wood wasn't wobbling.  Wood turtle had a plan to put another log under there.  It was still wobbly!  We took a big tree down and put it underneath.  We had to use a lot of sticks to make the pirate ship how we wanted it.   

Northern Shrike wasn't feeling so well today.  Mrs. T invited her to write with special markers during play time.  We practiced our sight words.  When we had written all of our sight words we made a list of words that rhymed with cat.  Some other kids thought it looked like fun.  Newt, Red squirrel wrote with us for a long time. Eastern Chipmunk, Box Turtle, and Woodpecker joined for a little while too.

During play time we went on an excursion with Miss Wetzel.  We checked the tree sap.  Some of it was frozen.  We tasted it.  It was cold. 

During work time we had a sight word race. Miss Wetzel clipped the sight words on a string between two trees.  We ran to grab a word and then we brought it back to Miss Wetzel.  The picture looks fuzzy because we were moving fast!  Two people ran at the same time to grab a word.  We were running fast because it was a race.

Here is a picture of some more students going fast!  Some of our sight words are: see, a, to, and, is, so, we, and my.  And is a sight word too!

In our other station we looked at bud pictures from last week.  We had to match the buds in the pictures with the buds in real life.  We were making observations.  We were comparing.  We wanted to see if the buds were the same or different from last week. We found that most of the buds were the same as they were last week.  They looked similar.

Only one of the tree buds that we looked at was up high.  Ms. Carmen pulled it down for us so we could take a closer look.  That one was Blue Jay's favorite.  That one was the only one that had little flowers on it.  Many of the others were pointy.  We think that flowers or leaves will come out of the buds.  This is our prediction.

This was a good day.  The temperature was 37 degrees.  

The End.
