The day that...
we had bowtie pasta.
We had some bottles filled with colors and we could spray them on snow. We were painting and mixing different colors. We made sure to share the colors and made really pretty pictures. Some of the bottles ran out!
We also made snowmen! Miss Wetzel was making a snowman, Eastern Chipmunk was making a cat, and Jumping Mouse was making a dog!
During playtime, some of us were playing beavers. Beaver was pretending to make stew. River Otter was the Papa and everyone all played different parts. They pretended to go to sleep and to go to work.
We ate bowtie noodles for snack. We put butter by the fire and cooked the noodles on the fire. The bowties tasted kind of like they had cheese inside.
In one station, we went for a hike and used our sense of hearing and our sense of touch. We heard cars, trees cracking, trees blowing, the fire crackling, and snow crunching. Some of us thought we even heard a bear! Some sticks felt soft and some trees felt rough. The snow felt soft and also squishy when we walked. We took a picture by a broken tree which had fallen over. Some of us looked at the other side of the roots and saw that the tree was really long. We also saw scat while we walked!
In another station, we were playing a math game where groups of people stood on a rock. For example, two friends were on a rock and two others joined them. We had to remember the math and figure out the answer. We also used dots with different colors to match the numbers, like 2 + 2 = 4. We used one dot for each person that was on the rock.
It was 37 degrees outside. It was a good day!
Written by: Beaver, River Otter, Eastern Chipmunk, Northern Shrike, and Jumping Mouse.
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