The day that...
We ate oatmeal chocolate chip muffins.
We took the cover off the shelter and we put hemlock boughs on. We cracked ice and took it off the tarp. We threw ice and smashed it on rocks. We grabbed onto sticks when the water was coming so we wouldn't get wet. Some kids got a little wet anyway.
In this picture Newt is pointing out x's and y's. Our letters of the day were x and y and we tried to find those letters in our forest classroom.
In the other picture we used tools to punch the tarp and get the ice down.
Blue Jay raked leaves into 8 piles. Then he went into the shelter to see what was happening. Almost everyone helped work on the shelter.
A few other kids were playing house. They had a cooking problem and an animal problem.
Blue Jay, Deer Mouse, Newt, Red Squirrel, and Raccoon used a whole building community to build a fort! It was hard work to lift those sticks. They carried three at a time. Some of us told the others where we thought the sticks should go. We put the first two sticks together as a triangle and then we put the others around that point.
Today we went to stations. In one station we were building homes for different creatures. We built them so that there would be a warm place to go in the winter. If people did not have a tent with them, someone could lie down inside. Beaver was laying down and almost fell asleep. We put sticks down first, and then we put on some pine needles. We learned a fancy word: insulation! One of them kind of looked like a leaf pile. Bobcat jumped on it on accident!
In another station, we searched for trees to adopt. We are going to visit them and maybe even water them to take care of them. We were looking for trees with no colorful leaves so that we could watch them change. We couldn't choose a pine tree.
Today was Red Footed Deer Mouse's birthday! Mrs. T lit a match and Deer Mouse blew it out. We were making due with what we had.
Box Turtle brought in a piece of paper that said it was going to be 42 degrees, but it ended up being 41 degrees while we were out there.
The end.
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