The day that....
We ate applesauce muffins in the rain
Red squirrel discovered some bubbles on a tree. He doesn't think the bubbles came out of the tree. He thinks that someone was carrying a soap bottle and it must have leaked out a little. Deer Mouse thinks it was the rain. The rain went down the bark of the tree and made bubbles at the roots. Newt and Northern Shrike think sap was leaking out of the tree and it made bubbles.
Raccoon, Blue Jay, Jumping Mouse, Red Squirrel, Box Turtle, Eastern Chipmunk worked together to crack the ice on split rock. Deer Mouse went to get help. We had a full growing community to smack the ice right off that rock. Jumping mouse and Raccoon discovered the ice and decided to chip it off.
Northern Shrike saw ice on this tree. It felt cold and smooth and soft.
We played a bat and moth game. The bat had to chase the moth and find it. The person who was the bat had to use their sense of hearing. The bat wanted to find the moth to eat it. Bats have really big ears and the use echolocation to find moths. The moth said "moth, moth, moth, moth." The people on the outside of the circle were trees. They said "tree" when someone was getting close to the outside of the circle. Bats are awake at night and they sleep during the day. That means they are nocturnal.
These students are listening to and looking at a book. The book was called Giving Thanks and it was about saying thank you to everything. After we read the book we said thank you to trees, leaves, and the air. We said thank you to the rain and we said thank you to the ice. We were trying to make saying thank you a habit.
After we did our work it was time for lunch. We ate some lunch outside and then some kids came inside to finish up.
A couple of kids stayed outside.
Jumping mouse is climbing on the wood pile. It looked like a fort. Mrs. T and Woodpecker played hide and seek. In this picture Woodpecker is hiding.
It was 37 degrees out today. It was cold and rainy outside. We had to wear gloves and a hat. It was a wet day and we had fun.
The End
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